From the Dinosaur Collector:

Early Cretaceous Europe

of north-west Europe preserves the best Early Cretaceous dinosaurs.  Low-lying areas with broad meandering streams and lakes characterized it.  

Special thanks to DinoWight for help correcting this page.

update 032609

More Diorama Early Cretaceous  

Polacanthus was like Acanthopholis one of the first dinosaurs described. It is known from an almost complete skeleton but the skull is unknown.

Polacanthus from Toyway

The Walking with Dinosaurs ,Polacanthus from Toyway is the finest version of this dinosaur  toy figure. 

Baryonyx was a fish eater perhaps like today's bears.   It seems to have been related to Spinosaurus and Suchomimus from Africa.  

Baryonyx Invicta Carnegie Safari

The Invicta Plastics of England produced an impressive series of 1/45 scale dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals.  This was done in cooperation the British Natural History Museum.  The original figures are unpainted and still available (mostly).    Briefly a painted series was sold perhaps in response to the Carnegie Safari Line.  The Baryonyx is from the painted line which are hard to find.  The paint is fragile and does not respond well to active play.  To the right is the Carnegie Safari  Baryonyx it is 1/40 scale and one of the best Museum quality figures.    


Baryonyx had long, flat jaws like a crocodile with a spoon-like snout and the large hand claw was backed up by very strong forelimbs.  It had 128 teeth instead of the usual 64 of carnosaurs, and twice as many teeth in the upper jaw than in the lower jaw. It lived in a sub-tropical delta with Iguanodon.

Baryonyx Dinosauria

K&M Dinosauria paint your own Baryonyx Photo and art work by Fred Hinjosa.


Invicta Iguanodon Carnegie Safari Iguanodon Laramie Iguanodon

The gray original Carnegie Safari  Iguanodon, Invicta Iguanodon

, Laramie Iguanodon amd miscillanius pvc figures.


The brachiosaurid Pelorosaurus ( Monster Lizard) was 78 feet long but is thought to  lack a claw on the front foot characteristic of the family.  It had small armored nodules in is skin, similar to the armor found on the titianosaur Saltasaurus.  Titanosaurids and brachiosaurids are though to be related closely within the sauropod family so perhaps this is a feature inherited from a common ancestor.










UKRD, Wild Safari, AAA and hollow vinyl brachiosaurid Photo and art work by Fred Hinjosa.

deinonychus Zone

Deinonychus zone Wealdon


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