Cenomanian South America


Updated 091412

The Cenomanian-Coniacian period is best known from the deposits around Neuquen in Patagonia. There are basal titanosaurids, gigantic procoelous tailed (Argentinosaurus, Antarctosaurus and Argyrosaurus), smaller amphilplatyan tailed and diplodocoid rebecbachisaurids. ,

Argentinosaurus from Learning Curve Dinosaur Train custom repaint by Ashley Hoover and Giganotosaurus from Yujin.

Titanosaurs are the best known sauropods ranging from the medium sized Saltasaurus to gigantic Argentinosaurus. Some or all the titanosaurs may have had armor.  Diplodocids are also present. Sauropods show a wide adaptive radiation filling the medium and large plant eating niches evolving armor, dental batteries even keratinous beaks. Ornithischians seem to be limited to small to medium basal iguanodonts Gasparinisaura, Loncosaurus) and ornithopods.

CollectA Argentnosaurus

Argentinosaurus only a partial skeleton has been found but it is thought to be a member of the titanosaur family. Argentinosaurus is the largest dinosaur of any type where significant fossils have been found. It is estimated to be 123 feet long and have weighed over 100 tons.

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