Schleich Replica Saurus

The Replica Saurus series was created in close cooperation with the Natural History Museum of the Humboldt-University Berlin.  The Natural History Museum in Berlin has a long history with dinosaurs. The curator of the Museum Werner Janensch, (between 1907 and 1912), found a number of dinosaur remains (including Brachiosaurus, Kentrosaurus and Barosaurus) at Tendagaru in German East Africa.   When the original set is compared to the composition of sets American companies are producing, there is a distinct European or German flavor to the choices for the series.  That is not saying North America is not well represented but you found figures like Saichania, Edmontosaurus and Albertosaurus that were not currently in other museum lines.  While the Schleich adherence to a strict 1/40 scale was often flexible, it added to value of the figures for collectors.  Dinosaurs are thought to have continued to grow through out life as is the case with the relatives the crocodiles and alligators.  In a natural population a range of sizes would be expected. Originally Schleich looked like they would offer a full and expanding range figures like Safari Ltd. The last of ReplicaSaurus figures are expect to phased out in 2013 as the new release series in 2012.

Schleich has high quality control for their production and a very successful marketing program. It appears to be strongly driven by sales with figures that don't meet the quota being retired, sometimes very quickly. It is ironic that many of the best of the Schleich designs were retired very quickly.The inital release showed a strong influence content wise from Carnegie Safari line but the design were always original. Sauropods were always strong figures, the marine reptiles release was inovative and the Desmatsuchus very collectable. Noticable was that there is little color variation. The later figures showed JP influence and brighter colors as competition from Papo became more important. These are still commonly found collectables. The big production runs and quality production gives them longevity. The very large figures like marine reptiles and small figures are the hardest to find. Many figures were copied by Salvat.

Albertosaurus  Allosaurus Allosaurus Apatosaurus Apatosaurus  



Allosaurus Apatosaurus Apatosaurus  
Apatosaurus baby Baryonyx Brachiosaurus Brachiosaurus Carnotaurus Ceratosaurus
Apatosaurus Baryonyx Brachiosaurus Brachiosaurus Carnotaurus Ceratosaurus
Corythosaurus Deinosuchus Desmatosuchus Edmononia Edmontosaurus  
Giganotosaurus Iguanodon Kronosaurus Parasaulophus Parasaulophus
Elasmosaurus Giganotosaurus Iguanodon Kronosaurus Parasaulophus Parasaulophus
Ouranosaurus Plateosaurus Pteranodon Quetzalcoaltus Quetzalcoaltus  
Ouranosaurus Plateosaurus Pteranodon Quetzalcoaltus Quetzalcoaltus  
Saichania Saichania Saltasasurus  
Saichania Saichania Saltasaurus Sauropelta Shonisaurus  
Stegosaurus Stegosaurus
Spinosaurus Spinosaurus Stegosaurus Stegosaurus Styracosaurus  
Torosaurus Triceratops Triceratops Tyrannosaurus Tyrannosaurus Tyrannosaurus
Torosaurus Triceratops Triceratops Tyrannosaurus Tyrannosaurus Tyrannosaurus