Dinosaur Collector Site BThe Seas of the Mesozoic.

The Triassic Seas

from the Dinosaur Collector

from the Dinosaur Collector update 032811

Placodonts Early to middle Triassic,

Placodonts were the least specialized of the marine reptiles and live in the shallow coastal areas.  They appear and disappear in the Triassic.   The placodonts ate molluscs and so their teeth were flat and tough to crush their shells. Late Triassic, these plates had grown so much that placodonts of the time such as Henodus and Placochelys resembled the sea turtles of modern day more than their ancestors without bony plates. Other placodonts like Psephoderma developed plates as well, but in a different articulated manner different from those of sea turtles.

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Placodus 6 1/2 feet long lived in from the Early until Middle Triassic. Placodus, resembled barrel-bodied lizards somewhat similar to the marine iguana of today, but larger.  The strong belly ribs and bony knobs provided protection. The placodonts do not see to have many adaptations for marine life and must have been been able to move around on land comfortabley. The teeth broad and flat were designed for munching shell fish. Henodus  3 feet long lived in the Late Triassic and was the same shape as a turtle.

Placodus  Henodus

Placodus from Starlux, Placodus and Henodus from Play Vision .

Henodus is the only placodont thus far found in non-marine deposits, suggesting it may have lived in brackish or freshwater lagoons.

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