Schleich legacy series.


The Schleich company also produced a line of 40 Minis figures that includes some Dinosaurs and Prehistoric animals.

Schliech mini dinosaurs

These were found in bins mixed with farm animals and modern animals in Toys Stores. Above is Dimetrodon, Ankylosaurus, Plateosaurus Tyrannosaurus, Plesiosaurus, Centrosaurus, Diatrima, Cave Bear, Wooly Mammoth, Wooly Rhinoceros and Giant Ant Eater.

In the past the Schleich company produced minor dinosaur lines no longer available.  This set of rubber figures was discontinued in the 80's. These were also done in solid colors.

 Schliech dinosaurs

There are 10 figures in this set the Urvogel (diatryma) and Panzersaurier (long necked turtle) are not shown. Starting on the left Tyrannosaurus (Konigsaurier), Ankylosaurus, Mammoth, Stegosaurus, Plesiosaurus, Apatosaurus, Scuttelosaurus (Kammasaurrier) and Triceratops.