Ukrd BendableUKRD Bendable Dinosaur: These figures came out in boxed play sets about the time of the first Jurassic Park.  I didn't get them as I wasn't real impressed.  The idea of dinosaurs you can bend into different posed sounds great but the UKRD figures mostly bend in ways that do not mimic life.  The legs bend sideways instead of in and out.  The Safari Tanystropheous or Wild Safari Pteranodon are much more realistic.  I prefer the Disney dinosaur bendable figures.  This is not the full list of figures but just the ones I have picked up or seen pictures of.  These figures are really not suitable for stop action sequences. The Apatosaurus is now renamed as Camarasaurs. These figures are flightly larger than the 92 set.









UKRD gumball set

The Gumball Machine figures are sold for 2 quarters.  No date stamp or name on figures.

Although dated by todays Museum reconstructions the chubby look is still popular for preschool toys. The quality of the production has made the figures long lived. The best of the figures can supplement Museum figures. The mix of sizes allows the diligent collector to assemble Late Jurassic and Late Cretaceous sets.